
From the Intern Blog: Halfway Point with Madalyn Dessy

From the Intern Blog: Halfway Point with Madalyn Dessy

I have learned so much thus far at LEAP! I have gotten the chance to meet and greet with various departments across LEAP to introduce myself, my role here at LEAP, and my goals going forward. We also discussed the broad and ever-changing topic of economic development. Most discussions have shed light onto what exactly goes into economic development and how it can help mold a community.

While meeting with the business attraction team, I learned about different industries that LEAP has been accredited for helping develop roots in Lansing, such as TechSmith, a software company headquartered in Okemos. I also had a conversation on the role sustainability can play in economic development, since LEAP has worked on many Brownfield Redevelopment projects. As an Environmental Economics and Management major, I know just how much of a burden and an eyesore brownfields can be to a community, as well as the amazing economic impacts these redevelopment projects create. These discussions also lead to the topic of the One and All program and how important it is for communities to push for a more equitable economic development. Giving these underrepresented individuals the chance to develop their business ideas creates lasting growth in Lansing by generating new jobs and helping individuals raise their household income.  

As of recently, I have been reviewing the One and All program progress reports, the 2021 ALICE report, and the MEDC strategic focus to further my understanding of the One and All program mission, as well as why the MEDC chose this amazing program to fund. I have also been working with Anum, Joe, and Katlyn to connect with program partners such as MI-SBDC, P&G, RDC, and the Fledge, to learn how One and All aligns with their organization’s mission. I am most excited to hear about several One and All success stories to truly grasp how this program has impacted individuals lives and careers. Lastly, I am looking forward to sharing all that I have learned with LEAP staff in my final presentation, as well as a rich discussion on One and All!  




Category: Uncategorized, LEAP Interns