
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Capital Area Child Care Coalition?

The Capital Area Child Care Coalition (CACCC) is a group of community leaders in Eaton, Clinton, and Ingham Counties who want to increase the supply of high-quality child care.

What issues is the region facing regarding child care?

In the tri-county region, there are 56 percent more children needing child care than there are spots available.[1] The reasons for this gap are complicated. Child care providers have problems recruiting and retaining staff. People who might be interested in becoming child care providers encounter many discouraging barriers. And as we all know, child care is quite expensive—on average, child care costs 41 percent of a family’s income if they work full time earning minimum wage.[2][3]

How is this coalition funded?

The CACCC is funded by a grant through the Early Childhood Investment Cooperation (ECIC).

Who are the members of the Capital Area Child Care Coalition?

The CACCC is co-led by Lansing Economic Area Partnership, Capital Area Michigan Works!, and United Way of South Central Michigan. Members include business and economic development partners, organizations that fund and administrate child care providers, and parents.

Business and Economic Development

Support with municipal policies that impact childcare businesses, such as zoning, regulation, business needs, childcare rates, and payment structure.

Organizations that Fund and Administrate Child Care

Offer perspectives on the larger workings of childcare in the region such as the overarching needs or strengths they see

Child Care Delivery Organizations

Offer an on-the-ground view of the region’s childcare needs, including staff and administration needs, center or home facility requirements, enrollment patterns, and outline of parent needs

Parent Representatives

A voice to the childcare needs of working families in the region, including issues such as cost, availability, accessibility, family outreach best practices.

What is the CACCC going to do?

The coalition is going to get everyone who cares about the quality and availability of child care in the same room. All voices will be heard, and with thoughtful conversations and planning, the coalition gain shared insight and join forces with a shared aim of improving child care in the region. To make data-driven decisions, the coalition will use research, surveys of child care providers, and parent focus groups.

Who should I reach out to if I have questions?

Please reach out to childcare@purelansing.com if you have any questions.

Why is Child Care a Critical Industry for the community?

The CACCC is co-led by: